inspiring food

Our food doesn’t stand still. We are always looking at ways to develop our menus to ensure we are keeping all of our customers happy! Our craft teams keep abreast of what’s happening in the food world and we blend traditional staples with modern influences from around the globe.

supplier partners

Provenance has been one of our guiding principles from day one, and with rich pickings from a larder such as we have on our doorstep in Scotland, we use as much seasonal produce as we can – all year round.

Our desire to stay true to what we believe in has meant we have developed a number of key supplier partners who can provide goods and services right here in Scotland. We always select a supplier based on quality and sourcing first and foremost. At last count, 90% of our suppliers are based here in Scotland and of those 85% are SME’s.


health & wellbeing

We are what we eat. Food evokes our senses and feelings.

More than ever these days, we are learning about the nutrients in our food and how we can benefit from these in their rawest form in our everyday lives. We support this thinking at Inspire and we are passionate about supporting not only healthy food choices but also encouraging our customers to live well and eat in a manner that helps us lead a wholesome life.

All menus at Inspire are healthily balanced with at least 50% of our food choices being prepared in the healthiest way. This is a small part to play in the daily food choices made by our customers however we feel it’s important. Especially so, as we serve food to children from nursery through to senior school age and young learners in further education across a number of establishments in Scotland.

corporate & social responsibility

One of our fundamental goals when we started Inspire, was to operate in a manner that minimised our impact on the world we live in.

“Taking local responsibility for the global environment”

We regularly encourage our staff and customers to support communities and charities both at home and overseas.

We always work with ethical suppliers who provide fair trade and organic products and services in as sustainable a way as possible. We are proud to work in partnership with all of our clients towards achieving joint environmental objectives.