3 Easy High-Protein Recipes For Fitness Beginners

With the hospitality industry and gyms back in business, getting back into a working-out routine comes with great pleasure. Whether you are still exercising from home or back in the gym, a protein-rich diet is usually the standard when properly getting into fitness. If you are just beginning your fitness journey but ready to be dedicated, here are 3 easy high-protein recipes to get started.

Paprika Chicken & Vegetable Rice

If you don’t want to be discouraged from the start with bland meals, make the standard “chicken and rice” a bit more fun! Pair a fragrant, colourful rice with cooked to perfection chicken breasts in this recipe.

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

-2 chicken breasts

-2 portions white rice

-1 red pepper

-1 yellow pepper

-2 vine-ripened tomatoes

-1 onion

-Chopped garlic (approx. 4 cloves)

-Olive oil


-Garlic powder

-Cayenne pepper (optional)

-Salt and pepper


For vegetable rice:

-Chop the peppers, onion and tomatoes into small dices.

-Boil rice and set aside.

-In a large, deep pan on medium heat, heat olive oil and cook garlic, onions and peppers together for 3-5min.

-Reduce heat to medium-low, and when peppers and onions have softened, add the diced tomatoes and season with paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Cook for another 3-5min, stirring often.

-Add in the rice and mix well, stirring together for 1-2min.

For the chicken:

-Season chicken breasts with garlic powder, paprika, salt & pepper and cayenne pepper (optional).

-Heat olive oil in a pan on medium heat and cook chicken breasts on each side until cooked through.

Sirloin Steak & Broccoli

Steak and beef meat in many forms are often recommended as the number one meat for a protein-rich diet, for their high protein content and iron. Try this simple steak recipe paired with some steamed broccoli!

Ingredients (for 1 serving)

-1 sirloin steak

-Fresh rosemary

-Chopped garlic (approx. 3 cloves)

-Fresh or frozen broccoli florets or tenderstem

-Salt & pepper

-Cooking oil of your choice

-Lemon juice (optional)


For broccoli:

-Boil water in a pot and cook broccoli until softened (approx. 3-4minutes)

-Drain and season with salt and pepper to taste, and a drizzle of lemon juice (optional)

For the steak:

-Season steak with salt & pepper to taste

-Heat oil in a pan or cast-iron skillet until hot and cook steak with garlic and fresh rosemary. Cook on each side until desired doneness.

Spinach & Mushroom Omelette

Protein does not have to come from meat every time, so here is a delicious vegetarian omelette recipe that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Ingredients (for 1 serving)

-2 eggs

-50g chestnut mushrooms, chopped (approx. 2-3 mushrooms)

-Spinach leaves (approx. 1 handful)

-Grated mild cheddar (approx. ½ handful)

-Salt & pepper

-1 teaspoon butter


-In a bowl, whisk together the eggs and cheddar, and season with salt & pepper to taste.

-Heat a small or medium pan on medium heat, and melt butter. Add the chopped mushrooms and cook for 1min.

-Add spinach leaves and cook for 1min, stirring often.

-Pour in the egg and cheddar mix, and stir to spread mushrooms and spinach evenly.

-Cook until the omelette starts to set and serve

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