3, 2, 1, Go!

Many of us see cooking as a chore and often make excuses to avoid it, the most popular one being that we simply don’t have the time. Whether it’s the time to go grocery shopping for extensive ingredients or to prepare meals.  

Do not let this stop you from cooking up a storm, we are here to inspire you with these dishes that only require three ingredients! Yes, you read that right, only three. 

Although it’s ideal for last minute prep, it’s also perfect for any kitchen novices who want to improve their cooking but do not know where to start. We have carefully selected a menu to get you going. 


Kick-start your menu with some ‘Pesto and Parmesan Stuffed Mushrooms.’ All you need for this are Closed Cup Mushrooms, Basil Pesto and Parmesan (20g).  

  • Preheat the oven to fan 180°C
  • Place baking paper on a tray and remove the mushroom stalks, place then skin side-up onto the paper.  
  • Bake for 5 minutes 
  • Flip the mushrooms over and fill the hollow with ½ tsp of Basil Pesto 
  • Grate the parmesan and sprinkle a little over each mushroom 
  • Bake for 5 minutes  
  • Serve warm and enjoy!


Follow with ‘Chilli Glazed Salmon’ as your main dish. All you need are 4 Salmon Fillets, Chili Sauce and Fresh Scallions (25g). This is for 3 servings. 

  • Preheat oven to 200°C 
  • Mix together the Salmon, Chilli Sauce and Scallions in a bowl 
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper and place the fillets 
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes  
  • Serve warm and enjoy!
  • Extra: have it with a side of greens such as Spinach or Asparagus  


Bake an indulgent and yummy desert – Hazelnut Brownies. All you need are 2 Eggs, Flour (65g) and Chocolate Hazeulnut Spread (370g). This is for 8 servings. 

  • Preheat oven to 175°C 
  • Combine all ingredients in a large bowl  
  • Transfer mix into a to bowl  
  • Bake for 15 minutes
  • Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then carefully cut into squares
  • Enjoy!
  • Extra: serve with some Vanilla Ice-Cream  
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